Ashmead School

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School Uniform

All items identified as having the school logo can either be purchased from the school uniform shop in Aylesbury 

Bucks Schoolwear Plus or from Tesco My Clothing.

We are also very pleased to share that we have extended the places you can buy new school uniform with the introduction of PL Schoolwear based in Aylesbury; here is their link

All children should wear school uniform as outlined below and all items should be clearly labelled with their name. 

School Uniform

School Uniform 





School jumper or cardigan

Ashmead Logo


Bucks Schoolwear, My Clothing at Tesco or PL Schoolwear

School polo shirt

Ashmead logo

Golden yellow

Bucks Schoolwear, My Clothing at Tesco or PL Schoolwear

School skirt, trousers (or shorts in warm weather)

Standard school type, not casual, jeans or tracksuit bottom styles

Black or grey

Any school uniform supplier

School Shorts 

(Warm Weather Option)

Standard school wear Black or grey Any School uniform supplier

Summer Dress (Warm Weather Option)

Standard school wear

Green and white gingham 

Any school uniform supplier

Outdoor shoes

School shoes or training shoes

Black only


Indoor shoes


Black with a non-marking sole

Any school uniform supplier


P.E. Uniform





(Indoor P.E.)

Shorts / cycling shorts / Skort




(Indoor P.E.)

Round neck T shirt

School logo

Golden yellow

Bucks Schoolwear, My Clothing at Tesco or PL Schoolwear

(Outdoor P.E.)


Plain, warm and suitable for sport



(Outdoor P.E.)

Jogging bottoms

Plain, warm and suitable for sport



Training shoes

For outdoor use only



Storage bag

Drawstring P.E. bag

Green with school logo

Bucks Schoolwear, My Clothing at Tesco or PL Schoolwear

 Due to the school being carpeted, we request that all children change into indoor shoes in order that the school can be kept clean, dry and tidy and free from playground mud. Each child should be provided with a named pair of black indoor plimsolls or comparable black indoor shoes, such as house slippers or crocs. Please note that for health and safety reasons, any shoes provided should be securely fitting (with a back) and not those that slip on. Therefore, novelty slippers, open topped shoes and sliders are not appropriate. 


Preloved Uniform Shop

Adhering to the new government guidelines regarding making the cost of school uniform more affordable and accessible, we are pleased to launch the PTA Pre-Loved Uniform Shop.

As well as selling items with the Ashmead logo, we also have generic school and P.E. wear for sale as well as a small selection of coats, jackets, indoor and outdoor shoes. 

How does it work?

To place an order please send an email to

Please state your name, the garments required and size of each item.

Once your order is received, we will check availability and email you to let you know when it is available for collection. Collection is from the main school office and Miss Whitlam will be able to assist you. Please pay her, cash only, the correct amount and take your items away. We will endeavour to process all orders as quickly as we can; collection day is a Friday unless otherwise stated in the correspondence.

In order to keep this service well stocked, please consider donating any unwanted uniform via the school office. Clean and undamaged are welcomed if they are in a reasonable pre-loved condition.

 Price list for Preloved items

  • Jumpers and cardigans (with logo) £2
  • Polo shirts (with logo) £1
  • P.E. T-shirts (with logo) £1
  • Trousers, skirts, pinafores, shorts and summer dresses 50p
  • Joggers and leggings 50p
  • Hoodies and P.E. jumpers 50p
  • P.E. shorts 50p




It is very important that you label your child's uniform. 

If you are opting for the printed stick in name labels, please use the Ashmead school code on the order page and we will receive a commission (no extra cost to you)

The companies that we use are:

My Nametags - use school ID code 34938

Stikins - use school code 884     

Stamptastic - Affiliate ID: 6387d52dd6fc


For Health and Safety reasons, please leave jewellery at home; it is unnecessary in school and can lead to accidents. Only watches and Medic Alert necklaces may be worn. If your child has pierced ears, earrings should be studs only and must be either removed or taped for all PE lessons. As staff are not allowed to remove earrings, pupils will need to do this independently or not wear them at all on P.E. days. Staff cannot take responsibility for the loss or safekeeping of jewellery.