Through our bespoke, creative and engaging curriculum offer we strive to develop the skills, knowledge and learning attitudes of all our pupils underpinned by our vision and ethos. We follow the statutory Early Years Framework and National Curriculum, as a foundation for providing an inclusive, broad and balanced approach, enabling depth of key knowledge and concepts. This is enhanced by a rich programme of memorable learning experiences and opportunities. Our curriculum accounts for pupils starting points and considers how we can prepare them for their future beyond primary school.
Our curriculum is for everyone and reflective of the diverse context of the school community. We strive to meet the needs of all pupils academically, and develop their social, cultural, spiritual and moral purpose, promoting a sense of self-worth as a member of the school, wider community, 21st century Britain and the world in which we live. We want our pupils to thrive, have confidence and reach their potential.
Our curriculum intentions are based around our school values which outline our moral learning behaviours: Communication, Respect, Enjoyment, Aspiration, Team work and Engagement, and these ensure there is a positive, safe and effective learning environment built on strong, supportive and nurturing relationships.
Each subject within the National Curriculum has been thoughtfully mapped from EYFS to KS2 to ensure progression of skills, knowledge, concepts, vocabulary and phenomena which can be found within our long-term planning. The complex interplay between factual knowledge (substantive) and how we obtain this knowledge (disciplinary) are identified. This ensures that pupils are inspired to think, or act, like a historian or scientist for example. Key concepts, as well as our school values, are also identified within different subject areas, and are revisited and repeated within varied contexts throughout pupils’ education. These concepts therefore become more than a definition, and ensure pupils have an increasingly secure and sophisticated understanding. Subsequently this supports pupil progress and future learning. We want our curriculum to ensure pupils learn from a range of perspectives.
Individual subjects are mapped to ensure a progression model. Overarching themes then provide a context for pupils learning and create an immersive curriculum experience. This allows greater links to be made across the curriculum and provides opportunities for pupils to solve multi-disciplinary problems. The learning environment is reflective of the theme, creating a purposeful and stimulating setting, where subject displays are used to scaffold and enhance the learning experience. Themes enable us to enrich and extend learning opportunities and adapt to the pupils needs, interests and wider world where appropriate, e.g. trips, visitors and extra curricula events.
Cycle 1 Themes

Cycle 2 Themes

High quality and challenging texts are selected to support subjects, themes and concepts as well as form part of promoting a language rich environment, love of reading, and develop Oracy. Medium term planning is subsequently developed to sequence learning and ensure knowledge is built over time.
Pupils will experience a high success rate when attempting challenging work if they have learnt key knowledge and skills. Lessons are sequenced to ensure retrieval of prior knowledge, and provide opportunities for spaced and repeated practice, clear explanation, key questioning and modelling when introducing new learning. In some subjects, key questions are also identified for each unit of work to ensure that planning is meaningful and pupils are encouraged to research and enquire, throughout a sequence, towards a focused outcome. Clear and measurable learning objectives are created to ensure a change in pupils learning and enable pupils to: Acquire and apply knowledge, concepts, behaviours, skills, attitudes, values, perspectives on a problem, and solutions to complex issues. Pupils know the purpose for their learning and how they will achieve the intended outcome, so are motivated and successful.
High priority is given to teaching the fundamentals of phonics, reading, writing, speaking and listening and mathematics daily to ensure that all pupils acquire and apply the basic knowledge, skills, behaviours and concepts for learning. However, we ensure that pupils are provided with the opportunity to evidence their learning and demonstrate their potential across all curriculum subjects.
Long and medium-term plans for individual subjects are aligned with our school vision and curriculum intent. For some subjects we currently use published curriculum materials to support planning, teaching and learning:
- Little Wandle – Phonics teaching from EYFS to Year 6
- Charanga – Music
- Jigsaw – PSHE / RE
- Language Angels - MFL
- Purple Mash – Computing and Spellings
- Penpals – Handwriting in KS1
- The PEHub - PE
Our curriculum is delivered through Quality First Teaching empowering teachers to recognise pupil individuality, foster a cohesive learning community and ensure high expectations for all. Teaching approaches ensure long-term retention of knowledge, fluency and skills. Pupils know more, do more and remember more through a progressive model.
Authentic and timely assessment is used to shape future learning and monitor the success of our curriculum implementation. Sufficient learning opportunities and assessment practices involve educational activities appropriate to a pupil’s age and stage and pupil outcomes. Ongoing assessment for learning and effective feedback ensures learning is adapted and interventions are appropriately delivered to enhance pupil’s capacity to access the full curriculum.
Through our curriculum implementation, pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education and know their place as citizens locally, nationally and globally. Pupils have encountered a wide range of experiences from the curriculum and are proactive learners who uphold and illustrate our school values.
We aim for all children to communicate confidently and effectively through reading, writing and the spoken word.
We aim for all children to have respect for themselves, others and the world in which we live.
We aim for all children to engage in opportunities for learning to gain knowledge and understanding.
We aim for all children to challenge themselves, showing the belief and the resilience to succeed.
We aim for all children to recognise and appreciate the value of achievement through collaboration.
We aim for all children to enjoy their learning and wider experiences.