Ashmead School

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ECO Schools

At Ashmead we are keen on improving the environmental footprint of our school through motivating children with learning and hands on experience.

With our team of dedicated Eco Warriors meeting once a week, we have made positive changes in reducing our waste through a variety of actions such as: recycling, reducing the amount of wasted energy by nominating class Energy Wardens, as well as encouraging a greater number of children to travel to school in more environmentally friendly ways.

We have followed the Eco Schools program and are very proud to have been awarded the Green Flag status for our hard work.











 "Ella is so so proud to be an Ashmead Eco Warrior and is always enthusiastic about what the group are planning and doing. She carries the ethos with her wherever we go and is proactive in doing her bit in saving the planet... Whether its litter picking or encouraging family members to turn off lights or to save water or looking after insects, Ella loves being an eco warrior! She wishes the group could meet more frequently rather than once a month so they could achieve more :) " (Ella's mum- Year 4) 


 Environmental review.pdf

Action Plan.docx

Bird watch 2023.pptx

Travel survey results.docx

Birdfeeder instructions

ECO Schools


My daughter has become more passionate about how she can save our planet since becoming an Ashmead Eco Warrior. Knowing that she is part of a team with other Warriors who feel the same way about the world, they are making positive changes around the school. They are inspiring others to recycle more, reminding people not to litter and to encourage walking/biking or scooting  to school rather than driving. Being an Eco Warrior gives her the platform to raise awareness of environmental issues so she can  motivate others on how we all can make a difference, whether this is in school, at home or in the local community. (Sophie's mum- Year 3)