Ashmead School

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External Support


At Ashmead we use the NSPCC 'Talk Pants' initiative. Pantosaurus helps the children to understand the concept of safeguarding themselves when it comes to their bodies. The 5 messages we teach are:

P - Pants are private

A - Always remember your body belongs to you

N - No means no

- Talk about secrets that upset you

S - Speak up, someone can help

There is a great video created by the NSPCC to support your child in understanding these messages. You can find this on the NSPCC website. Follow the link here to find the video and for further advice on the support you can give your child at home:

Resources To Support At Home


Bucks Safe Haven, in partnership with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, provides an alternative to A&E for people experiencing mental health crisis.

Bucks Safe Haven work collaboratively with you to empower you and provide emotional listening support as well as helping you to manage your mental health better. They help you to understand where to go for help in the local community, but most importantly to feel safer and create safety plans if you are struggling to keep yourself safe due to thoughts of self-harm or of ending your life.

Please follow the link for further information:

Support in the Community

If the information below feels overwhelming (there is a lot of it!), please do call the school and ask for Miss Lubbock or Ms Fernandez and we will be happy to see what we can do to help you. 

Foodbank - Southcourt Baptist Church

Ashmead are working alongside Southcourt Baptist Church to ensure that families have access to their foodbank. Their foodbank is open on a Monday and Friday from 930am - 1230pm. Miss Lubbock is able to help you sign up for pre-packed parcels that you can collect, or you can call 07716444102/01296480080 to arrange this yourself. Please contact Miss Lubbock for more information.


Family Support Service

Bucks Family Learning

Family Learning Courses 2023

Welcome to Family Learning Schools. All workshops and five-week courses are FREE for parents and carers to help support your understanding of the curriculum and help your child make progress at school. Booking is essential. To enrol on the course, use the QR codes on the leaflet, click the link, or contact the Enrolment Team on 01296 383582.

For more information, please contact a member of Family Learning Schools team: Kathryn: 07768 044813 Lou: 07814 305345 Nina: 07710 145234

SchoolsFlyer Jan23.pdf