Ashmead School

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Our EYFS Curriculum Statement


We aim to implement a curriculum that is designed to give ALL children, the knowledge, self-belief and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Our curriculum is planned and developed to build upon what children know and can do. We aim to increase children’s knowledge and skills for their future learning. There’s a strong focus on ensuring that our children acquire a wide vocabulary, communicate effectively and secure a knowledge of phonics, which gives them the foundations for future learning, especially in preparation for them to become confident and fluent readers.

Our school’s approach to teaching early reading and synthetic phonics is systematic and targets all children learn being able to read words and simple sentences accurately by the end of reception.

We have the same academic ambitions for all children and adapt our curriculum to effectively meet their need. For children with particular needs, such as those with SEN and/or disabilities, their curriculum is designed to meet their needs.


We believe that early years’ education should be as practical as possible and in reception we have an ethos of learning through play. Play is an essential and rich part of a child’s learning process and supports them in all areas of development.

In reception, we provide both structured and unstructured play opportunities both inside and outside. These activities are designed to engage children in practical, first-hand experiences which will support them to discover, explore, investigate, develop their personal interests and areas of curiosity and help them to make sense of the world around them. These opportunities are provided through child initiated and adult supported activities, embedded in opportunities for all to engage in sustained shared thinking. Play opportunities are also set up to provide children with experiences to apply newly acquired knowledge and skills, demonstrating their levels of understanding.

Over the EYFS, teaching is designed to help children remember long term what they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts.

The teaching of phonics ensures that children practise their reading from books that match their phonics knowledge.


By the end of reception most children achieve the early learning goals and are able to use their knowledge of phonics to read accurately and with increasing fluency. Most children are ready for the next stage of education. Our children, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and those with SEN and/or disabilities achieve the best possible outcomes from their individual starting points and begin to diminish learning gaps. Our children develop detailed knowledge and skills across the seven areas of learning in an age-appropriate way

Parent Guides

Home Learning

Knowledge Organisers

Each half term a 'knowledge organiser' is sent home to parents of children in Reception. Each sheet gives an overview of the topic we are currently exploring, key vocabulary, story book summaries and activities to try at home.

Reception Knowledge Organiser Autumn1.pdf
Autumn 1 booklet for parents.2023.pdf
Maths support for parents.pdf
Our Curriculum Outcomes.pdf
Reception flying to the stars knowledge organiser spring2024.pdf

Letter Sound Zippy Bags

In the Autumn Term each child will bring home a zippy bag containing a set of letter cards. The letters will come home weekly as they are taught and are perfect for practising pronunciation and building simple words.

There are so many words you can make with just two letters!

Help your child to make these......

it, as, at, on, in, is

How many more words can you make?

Reading Eggs

Reception Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics Parent mail NEW.pdf

Tapestry home learning videos
Each week one of the Reception teachers will make a short video of 'speedy sounds' from the week, join in online and practise saying the letter sounds!

A typical day in Reception



8.45 am - 8.55 am

Self registration

9.00 am - 9.20 am


9.30 am - 9.55 am

Shared writing

10.00 am - 10.15 am

Snack time

10.15 am -10.55 am

Child initiated Learning

11.00 am -11.20am

Circle time

11.30 am -12.40 pm


12.45 pm -1.05 pm


1.05 pm -1.25 pm

Guided Reading and Writing

1.25 pm - 2.30 pm

Child initiated Learning

2.40 pm -2.50 pm

Handwriting/ Funky fingers

2.55 pm - 3.05 pm


3.15 pm

Home time

Throughout the year we also enjoy a weekly rotation of music and movement in the drama hall, visits to the woodland area next to the playground and department assemblies. We also have our Reception Sports Day, Production and school trip to look forward to.


Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds

At Ashmead School we follow the Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds programme. Sounds are taught in a specific order. The links below take you to videos which will help in supporting your child to pronounce their letter sounds.

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1
Pronunciation guide for Autumn 1 2023.pdf

For more information about Little Wandle follow the link below to the parent section of the Little Wandle website.

Resources for parents
Reading Record Comments.pdf
Wordless Books (1).pdf
