Ashmead School

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Pupil Assessment

At Ashmead School, we believe that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. It is a continual process incorporated systematically into our teaching strategies, with the aim of promoting good progress for all pupils. Our aim is to ensure high quality teaching is supported and informed by our various types of assessment, allowing teachers to respond accurately to the learning needs of every pupil, including those with SEND. Pupils have an active role in their own assessment, identifying their own learning needs and how they could improve their work. They are encouraged to be reflective learners who develop a secure understanding of their own strengths and how they can develop their learning further. All our assessment has a clear purpose and is done without adding unnecessarily to teachers’ workload.

We assess children as working at the beginning, b or b+, within, w or w+, secure, s, or at greater depth, s+, using the Bands N, R, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

The number refers to the year group that your child is working at. Band 1 is Year 1, Band 2 is Year 2 and so on. If your child is working at the expected band for their year group, for example, a Year 1 child on Band 1, a Year 2 child on Band 2, then a b or b+ following the number shows expected attainment at the end of the Autumn Term, a w or w+ shows expected attainment at the end of the Spring Term, an s shows expected attainment at the end of the Summer Term, and an s+ indicates a child working at Greater Depth.

End of Autumn Term
Expected Attainment Greater Depth
Nursery Nb or Nb+
Reception Rb or Rb+
Year 1 1b or 1b+ 1w
Year 2 2b or 2b+ 2w
Year 3 3b or 3b+ 3w
Year 4 4b or 4b+ 4w
Year 5 5b or 5b+ 5w
Year 6 6b or 6b+ 6w
End of Spring  Term
Expected Attainment Greater Depth
Nursery Nw or Nw+
Reception Rw or Rw+
Year 1 1w or 1w+ 1s
Year 2 2w or 2w+ 2s
Year 3 3w or 3w+ 3s
Year 4

4w or 4w+

Year 5 5w or 5w+ 5s
Year 6 6w or 6w+ 6s
End of Summer Term
Expected Attainment Greater Depth
Nursery Ns
Reception Rs
Year 1 1s 1s+
Year 2 2s 2s+_
Year 3 3s 3s+
Year 4 4s 4s+
Year 5 5s 5s+
Year 6 6s 6s+

 For example, if a child at the end of Year 4 is assessed as a 4s it means they are working securely at the age expected band for Year 4. Whereas if a child was assessed as 3w at the end of Year 4 it means that they are still working on achieving some aspects of the Year 3 Curriculum and are therefore over a year below expected for their age.

Statutory Assessments

Pupils are also assessed at key points throughout their time at Ashmead, using the following statutory assessments:

  • Reception Baseline Assessment
  • End of Reception - Early Learning Goals
  • Year 1 Phonic Screening
  • Year 4 Multiplication Check
  • Year 6 SATs - Reading, Grammar, spelling and punctuation, Mathematics. (Writing through teacher judgement and moderation)

Teachers determine whether a pupil is successfully demonstrating the skills expected of a child their age or not. We want you as parents to be very clear about how well your child is doing in school compared to other children their age so when we report to you (through consultations or annual reports) we will tell you if your child is:

  • Significantly below expected
  • Below expected
  • Expected
  • Greater Depth