Ashmead School

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School Clubs

Activity Clubs - Spring Term 2025

Sprin g 1 - Monday 13th January - Friday 14th February

Spring Term 2 - Monday 24th February - Friday 28th March

Activity Clubs - Autumn Term 2024

The table below shows the After School Sports and Activity Clubs that are on this Autumn term:

This may be subject to change. Please ring the office if you have any questions.

Club Name

Club leader Year Group Day Time Pick Up
Netball Miss Venn 5 & 6 Monday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Office

Young Carers 

By invitation Only

Mrs Mistry 2 - 6 Monday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Office

Boys Football

(Au 1)

Mr Harding

Mr Hamshere

5 & 6 Tuesday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Office


Yr 3 (Au 1) Yr 4 (Au 2)

Miss Venn

3, 4

Tuesday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Office

Girls Football 

(Au 1)

Mr Harding

Mr Hamshere

5 & 6 Wednesday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Office
Cross Country

Mr Stocks

Miss Venn

2 - 6 Friday 8:00 - 8:30 am Playground
Cheerleading  ACA 3 & 5 Friday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Office

Breakfast Club

We are very pleased to be able to offer a Breakfast Club which is run by Ashmead School staff and open to any child from Reception to Year 6. Breakfast Club takes place in our Climbing Hall and can be accessed via the gate by the staff car park. For the safety of all, please access this via the Nursery gate and pathway.

Your child is able to arrive from 7.45 am where they will be greeted and supervised daily by members of Ashmead staff.  Breakfast choices currently include toast and a variety of cereals, with squash or water to drink. Breakfast Club staff will ensure children are taken to their classes ready for an 8:45 am start. There will be a staggered dismissal of children, with Reception, Years 1 and 2 being walked down to class from 8:35 am, and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 from 8:40 am. 

Children are able to attend across an entire week, or pick and choose particular days. The cost of each session is £3.00. Please note that we accept payment using Childcare Vouchers and payments via the Tax-Free Childcare system and Childcare Grant system.

Booking forms will be sent out on a Monday, and places must be booked by midday on the Wednesday for the following week via ParentMail. Payments need to be received by midday on the Friday of that week. Unfortunately, we are unable to take last minute bookings due to ensuring the correct staff-pupil ratios and resources are available.

If you think you might like to use Breakfast Club, either now or in the future, and would like to be added to the weekly group which receives the Booking Form via ParentMail, then please email the school office at:

We are very fortunate to be able to offer this provision and hope parents will take full advantage of everything it has to offer. We think the opportunity for children to meet for breakfast daily will not only be something that they will enjoy but also ensure that their minds and bodies are well fuelled for a day at school. 

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to email, phone or come and see me.

Miss Dawn Govier

Deputy Head Teacher 

If your child is eligible for pupil premium, we also have funded places available. Please contact Mrs Cheryl Thompson for further information.

 After School Club

We are very pleased to be able to offer a daily After School Club which is open to any child from Reception to Year 6 from the end of the school day until 5.45pm. Children are able to attend across an entire week, or pick and choose particular days as needed.

Each session is run by experienced Ashmead Staff and includes a healthy snack upon arrival and a meal served at 4:45pm. The cost of each session is £12.00, which pays for the 2 and a half hours childcare, and all food and activities which are provided. Please note that we accept payment using Childcare Vouchers and payments via the Tax Free Childcare system and Childcare Grant system. Your child does not have to stay for the entire session, although the cost remains the same even if this is the case.

Booking forms will be sent out on a Monday, and places must be booked by midday on the Wednesday for the following week via ParentMail. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to take last minute bookings due to ensuring the correct staff-pupil ratios and resources are available.

If you think you might like to use our After School Club, either now or in the future, and would like to be added to the weekly group which receives the Booking Form via ParentMail, then please email the school office at:

We are very fortunate to be able to offer this provision and hope parents will take full advantage of everything it has to offer.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office or myself.

Miss Dawn Govier

Deputy Headteacher

After School Club Menu

