Ashmead School

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P.E. Days and Kit

  Indoor PE Outdoor PE
1SC Monday Friday
1RL Monday Wednesday
1GW Tuesday Thursday
2KH Friday Tuesday
2NV Thursday Friday 
2AC Friday Thursday
3SD Thursday Monday
3SB Tuesday Friday 
3JK Friday  Tuesday
4NC   Wednesday Monday
4CH Friday - Swimming Wednesday
4SB Monday Tuesday
5PZ Tuesday Thursday
5MO’R Tuesday Friday
5CS Wednesday Tuesday
6LB Monday Tuesday
6FW Friday Wednesday
6JM Thursday Monday

To ensure that your children are being provided with 2 hours of statutory high quality PE lessons, we have 2 lessons each week - indoor and outdoor PE.

Please remember to pack your child's PE bag with the following: 

  • A yellow PE t-shirt
  • Shorts
  • Jogging bottoms
  • Hoody/jumper
  • Spare socks - especially if your child wears tights during the day!
  • Trainers (if your child's outdoor shoes are trainers, they do not need to bring in another pair)

If your child requires an Inhaler, please ensure that a named inhaler pump and spacer are sent to your child's class teacher as soon as possible.

Any jewellery will need to be removed prior to the lesson, or on the morning of your child's PE lesson. You are able to cover earrings with plasters or tape if your child has recently had their ear/s pierced. 

Year 6 Children come to school on their PE days wearing their PE kit and change into their school uniform straight after the PE lesson.

Please remember that children need to take their earrings out for PE so they need to be able to do this themselves in school or have them taken out before they come to school.