Ashmead School

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Key Stage 1


Please click on the document below to see the plethora of subjects that your children will cover and learn in, each week. This is an example and may not be the exact timetable that your child has in their class.
 Visual timetable example

Curriculum Overview

Home Learning

 Year 1 Autumn Term Homework Grid
 Year 2 Autumn Term Homework Grid

Completing these homeworks will not only help your child to consolidate their learning but it will also give your child the opportunity to get excited and share the topic with you and your family at home.
We can't wait to see their homework! Your child will also have the chance to show their classmates their work, and they will be rewarded for their hard efforts.

'My Maths' homework

Your child will be set a piece of Maths homework by their Maths teacher each week on a Friday, to be completed by the following Friday. This homework will be online using the website 'My Maths'. Each child will be given their log in details which includes a step-by-step guide on how to log on (if you need a new log in guide, please speak to your child's class teacher). If you would like support in logging in or how to complete homework tasks, please use the help guide: 

To go directly to the website to log in, please click here.

Reading Eggs homework

Alongside your child's home-school reading book, we are encouraging the children to use Reading Eggs to develop their reading confidence and inference skills. Each child has been given their log in details (if you need a new log in guide, please speak to your child's class teacher).

To go directly to the website to log in, please click here.

Your child should have brought home a reading book and a yellow reading record (if you haven't seen it yet, please have a look in your child's bookbag or speak to their class teacher!).

Please try and read with your child a little bit at a time e.g. 5 minutes or 5 pages. 

Reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays only

We will be using a stamp in their reading records to indicate that we have recorded their reading as we are continuing with the reading awards.

Bronze: 50 reads

Silver: 80 reads

Gold: 100 reads

Useful websites to support learning at home