Ashmead School

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At Ashmead school, we want our computer experts to embrace technology, use computational thinking, problem solving and creativity to understand the changing world. Technology is a pivotal part in our pupils’ lives and we want to educate our pupils on how to use technology confidently, positively, responsibly and safely. We intend to provide strong foundations in computing and emphasise the importance of technology for all pupils to enhance supportive and collaborative learning opportunities; engage and inspire pupils curiosity, ensure access to rich curriculum content to develop conceptual understanding of new concepts and enable pupils to express themselves to drive their generation forward into the future. Our broad and balanced curriculum intends to cover three key areas: computer science, information technology and digital literacy to enable pupils to be creators. Pupils are made aware of how computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems.


Our Computing curriculum is taught through the use of ‘Purple Mash’ who provide a scheme of work and resources to support us in delivering a relevant, broad, vibrant and ambitious progressive curriculum. It provides immense flexibility, and strong cross-curricular links.

 Within EYFS, the learning environments enable pupils to explore technology and computing scenarios based on experience in the real world, such as in role play. Pupils gain confidence, control and language skills through opportunities to use the interactive board/devices, control remotely operated toys, use electronic toys and technological devices to record and support pupils in developing their communication skills.

In Key Stage One, pupils begin to grasp the core concepts of the digital world. They understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following a sequence of instructions. They will begin to write and test simple programs, as well as organise, store, manipulate and retrieve data in a range of digital formats. Online safety is a priority and pupils will learn how to communicate safely and respectfully online, keeping personal information private, and recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.

In Key Stage Two, pupils continue to develop their understanding of the digital world. They design and write programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems, and solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. They also use selection and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output and generate appropriate inputs and predicted outputs to test programs. They describe how the world wide web, a variety of software, internet search engines and technology can be used effectively to accomplish given goals, communicate and collaborate responsibly, securely and safely.

Unit overview

All year groups complete a unit on Online Safety and others are ordered and selected to meet the needs of the pupils and compliment other curriculum subjects as suggested within the Purple Mash Policy.

We ensure that there is a balance of computer science, information technology and digital literacy (as colour coded and identified by Purple Mash). The overlaps between units serve to deepen understanding of computational concepts and provide opportunities for pupils to apply and extend understanding and make links in their knowledge and capabilities.

Computer Science

Information Technology

Digital literacy

Computational Thinking


Computer networks

Word processing/typing

Data Handling

Presentations Web design, eBook


Video creation

Photography and Digital Art

Reality and virtual reality sound

Self-image and identify

Online relationships

Online reputation

Online bullying

Managing online information

Health, wellbeing and lifestyle

Privacy and security

Copyright and ownership



Units covered

Year 1


1.1 Online Safety

1.2 Grouping and Sorting

1.3 Pictograms

1.4 Lego Builders

1.5 Maze Explorers

1.6 Animated Story Books

1.7 Coding

1.8 Spreadsheets

1.9 Technology outside school

Year 2


2.1 Coding

2.2 Online Safety

2.3 Spreadsheets

2.4 Questioning

2.5 Effective searching

2.6 Creating Picture


2.7 Making Music


2.8 Presenting Ideas


Year 3


3.1 Coding

3.2 Online Safety

3.3 Spreadsheets

3.4 Touch Typing

3.5 E-mail

3.6 Branching Data base


3.7 Simulators

3.8 Graphing



Year 4


4.1 Coding

4.2 Online Safety

4.3 Spreadsheets

4.4 Writing for different audiences

4.5 Logo

4.6 Animation

4.7 Hardware Investigators

4.8 Making Music


Year 5


5.1 Coding

5.2 Online Safety

5.3 Spreadsheets



5.5 Game Creator


3D Modelling


Concept Maps

5.8 Word Processing

5.9 Using External devices

Year 6


6.1 Coding

6.2 Online Safety

6.3 / 6.9


6.4 Blogging

6.5 Text Adventure

6.6 Networks

6.7 Quizzing

6.8 Understanding Binary


Computing is taught on a weekly basis within a dedicated session. Opportunities to use technology is also identified to support other curriculum areas and enable pupils to apply their knowledge and skills within other contexts.

Within the Scheme of Work, it is expected that most lessons are adapted by outcome and by the support and\or scaffolding pupils are given to meet their individual needs.  For each unit of work, there are three example assessment statements relating to pupil outcomes: Emerging; Expected and Exceeding. 


We want our computer experts to discuss, reflect and appreciate the impact computing has on their learning, development and wellbeing both at home and in school. Finding the right balance with technology is key to an effective education and lifestyle. Pupil voice will demonstrate that pupils enjoy computing and are able to recall their learning over time. Pupil’s work demonstrates that computing is taught at an age appropriate standard across each year group with opportunities planned in for all pupils. Work is of good quality and demonstrates pupils are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence. In a society where technologies and trends are rapidly evolving, we want our pupils to be confident users of technology and have a comprehensive knowledge of the implications of technology and digital systems to support their future education and lives.